7th & 8th october 2016

Casa de Cultura de Sant Cugat del Vallès
Pantone Studio - Creatus Dominus

Discover Pantone Studio and turn reality into a prism of colors

Pantone has its humble origins in a small print shop in New Jersey (1962), from which began to grow into the absolute reference in the language of color that is nowadays. Their guides are known worldwide and used by virtually any designer for their daily work.

But when your main target are offline designers and the world is becoming more digital, you start thinking about new ways to keep your business. For this reason they released Pantone Studio, the app that will delight any designer, no matter what sector are they working.

The main objective of the app is to reunite all Pantone knowledge in your pocket, where you can find it whenever you need it. You’ll be able to find palettes, articles, guides… but let’s go step by step, because it has much more:

With Pantone Studio you can browse thousands of colors of 15 different palettes, discover new ones, harmonies and equivalents in other references, capture colors with your mobile camera or photos you own and create your own palettes, share them on social networks…

Before this could cost you around € 200-800 but with the app, you can have it downloading the free version (with limited features) or use the full version for just $60 per year.

Pantone Studio - Creatus Dominus
Pantone Studio - Creatus Dominus
Pantone Studio - Creatus Dominus

What are you waiting for? Download the app here and discover the Pantone universe!

Do you want more?

On Saturday October 8th we have prepared the Pantone LAB conference, inviting its distributor in Spain, Marc Velasquez, who will tell us how to effectively manage color taking into account the communication with customers, suppliers and all variables of devices. Also, Andrea Bravo will complement the conference with a talk focused on visual perception and color.

Get your ticket here… free :)